The Arlington of Naples resident riding a bike through the neighborhood

An Idyl­lic Set­ting for an Active Life

Locat­ed in Lely Resort, just 15 min­utes from both Down­town Naples and Mar­co Island, The Arling­ton fea­tures a vibrant lifestyle with plen­ty of room to enjoy it. Whether it’s an open-air Tai chi class, a morn­ing swim, an invig­o­rat­ing ride down scenic bik­ing paths, boc­ce in the after­noon or an after-din­ner stroll through the Estate Homes neigh­bor­hood, the fun and nat­ur­al beau­ty of our great out­doors is just out­side your front door. Oth­er retire­ment com­mu­ni­ties don’t have the lux­u­ry of our 39 scenic acres.

Marco Island Welcome Sign

Per­fect­ly Located

The Arling­ton is a con­ve­nient 15 min­utes to the shops of Down­town Naples and Mar­co Island’s white-sand beach­es. Physi­cians Region­al Med­ical Cen­ter and NCH Bak­er Hos­pi­tal are just min­utes away, and just across the street you’ll find Flori­da South­west­ern State Col­lege and South Region­al Library.

Enjoying the pool at The Arlington

Five-Star Ameni­ties

Stay active at the ful­ly equipped Fit­ness Cen­ter and Aquat­ic Cen­ter with an indoor pool and hot water spa. The Arling­ton Club­house and Out­door Pool is a com­mu­ni­ty oasis. Pub­lic spaces include a rich vari­ety of land­scaped court­yards and ter­races – per­fect for enjoy­ing a morn­ing lat­te, an after­noon game of bridge or an evening con­cert beneath the stars. And just beyond our gates, Lely Resort offers easy access to three cham­pi­onship golf cours­es and mul­ti­ple ten­nis clubs.

Fine dining at The Arlington of Naples

Pre­mier Dining

The food at The Arling­ton is absolute­ly out of this world. Local­ly sourced and expert­ly pre­pared, our pri­vate Chef’s inven­tive menus change month­ly. Enjoy a mem­o­rable din­ing expe­ri­ence at the lux­u­ri­ous Exhi­bi­tion Restau­rant; share an arti­sanal piz­za at the impres­sive Bistro 7900 or pick up a sal­ad to-go from the Mar­ket­place. You can order small plates along with your craft cock­tails at The Pub. And for that spe­cial cel­e­bra­tion, reserve our pri­vate din­ing room.

Exercise Class at The Arlington Naples

A Secure Plan for Tomorrow

Unlike many active adult com­mu­ni­ties, you won’t have to move if your health needs change. Because we’re a Life Plan Com­mu­ni­ty, you’re assured of life­time access to our award-win­ning Oak­ton Place Health­care Cen­ter, which offers assist­ed liv­ing, mem­o­ry sup­port, skilled nurs­ing care and short-term rehabilitation.

The Arlington Main Entrance

Hur­ri­cane Safety

The Arling­ton is built from the ground up to pro­vide the high­est lev­el of hur­ri­cane resis­tance. And that means we’re not only the best place to live. We’re also a safe place to be in a storm.